糢闆: More Tag
This content is before the more tag.
Right after this sentence should be a “continue reading” button of some sort.
糢闆: 節錄 (Defined)
係帖子內容. It should be displayed in place of the user-defined excerpt in single-page views.
糢闆: 節錄 (生成)
係帖子內容. 應顯示該摘錄以代替單頁視圖中嘅自動生成摘錄. 存檔索引頁面應顯示此內容嘅自動生成摘錄. 取決於主題定義嘅篩選器, 自動生成摘錄嘅長度因主題而異. 自動生成摘錄嘅默認長度為 55 的話, 因此,以測試摘錄自動生成, 篇文必須有超過 55 的話.
請務必測試自動生成摘錄嘅格式, 以確保它不會#8217產生任何布局問題. 也, 確保任何過濾器應用於摘錄, 如 <代碼>excerpt_length</代碼> 和 <代碼>excerpt_more</代碼>, 正確顯示.
糢闆: 粘
- The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. 你可以對
類,如果你使用嘅係 post_class() 生成帖子類嘅功能, 係一個最好嘅做法. - 佢哋應該顯示喺博客索引頁面嘅頂部, 即使佢哋可能係幾個職位按時間順序返回.
- 佢哋仍然應該再次出現喺佢哋按時間順序正確姿勢嘅時間, 但冇粘性指示器.
- 如果您有列出熱門帖子或評論的插件或小部件, 確保呢個粘性職位並不成日喺呢啲列表嘅頂部,除非佢真係受歡迎嘅.
糢闆: Comments Disabled
This post has its comments, pingbacks, and trackbacks disabled.
There should be no comment reply form, 但 should display pingbacks and trackbacks.
糢闆: 評論
This post tests comments in the following ways.